Friday 17 June 2011

Pedoman Menuju Tidak Bahagia

Author : Jaya Suprana. Publisher : Elex Media Komputindo, 2011. Almost all people do not want the kind of feeling that is named unpleasant or unhappy. If unhappiness arises, then immediately covered or addressed by making things that can bring happiness. But the truth must be said, when the happy feelings that have emerged, it could not always make someone happy. If it were not objects or conditions that could make sense of the happy-changing, definitely happy feeling itself will fade.
Very unlikely to survive the feeling of happiness constantly. If happiness can last forever? Bored! Arises then feel unhappy again, disappointed, annoyed, angry, and various others. So, look for the happy fact is that not the way to get happy. That's true in almost all the people so that the contents of the book shows the way to unhappiness is indeed true, or no longer needed. Because, almost everyone was desperately toward unhappiness.

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