Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Structure In Five

Prentice Hall International, 1993. Henry Mintzberg (First printing 1989). A text book that "must" for students who wish to deepen learning about organizational theory, organizational structure and management of global organizations. A book is "old enough" but has always been a main reference. Given the author, Henry Mintzberg offers a theory of organization is still relevant cukp. The main thing revealed is that there are 5 types of organization based on the large-size structures and other things involved in it, such as skill levels, the number of people in the organization, lines of communication between management, to the theory of leadership.
Simple structure, machine beuracracy, professional beuracracy, divisionalized form, and adhicracy, is the fifth basic type of organization. There are advantages and disadvantages of each type adapted to the type of company or business.

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