Monday, 20 June 2011

Sang Pencerah

This novel was made as a complement to the movie (Sang Pencerah) about a national hero of Indonesia and leader of Muhammadiyah, KH Ahmad Dahlan, who called Sang Pencerah. Maybe a mini biography, because only piece of the story. The author is Akmal Nasery Basral, Mizan published in 2010 in cooperation with MVP Pictures. In this book is almost exactly the same story in the film. The story raised was how to fight an Ahmad Dahlan in the struggle to make changes in the early 20th century. But there are added on several sides. Although the atmosphere is the depiction of Javanese society (Yogyakarta) era was not so obvious, even to the situation described the use of boarding schoolsn(Pondok pesantren) in the Arabic language. Even so, the authors added a lot of historical facts that should be listened to. As of Sunan Gresik, RA Kartini, jogja earthquake 1868, and many more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I didn't before if Sang Pencerah is also novel book title neither of well known Hanung bramantyo directed motion picture :)
