Monday, 20 June 2011

Ranah 3 Warna

The second novel continuation of Negeri 5 Menara novels, works of graduates Gontor Ponorogo (Pondok Pesantren) cottage named A. Fuadi. Released January 23, 2011, the publisher Gramedia Jakarta Press. If at Negeri 5 Menara figures Shohibul tower becomes the main character, then in this second novel focuses more on the story of the Alif. Starting from Pondok since graduating from Madani, high school equivalence exam, followed UMPTN to get into Unpad Bandung majoring in International Relations, the dynamics of college life in the era of the early '90s, to the lives of the Alif is finally set foot in a foreign country that is in Canada. Alif life in Canada for one semester with 14 of his friends that is the main core of the story. So perhaps that's the reason the authors give the title Ranah 3 Colors. Can be interpreted the way the Alif set three land; namely Indonesia, the peninsula of the middle east, and the Americas. Another reason may be related to the maple leaf. Typical leaf of Canada who also became a symbol of the flag state, and can have a form of 3 colors. Alif effort to get to Canada did not escape the spell :Man Shabara Zhafira". Who will be patient to get results. Be patient was actively looking for solutions, not passive.

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