Monday, 20 June 2011

Simulasi Sistem Industri

The author is Miftakhol Arifin. Graduates of Industrial Engineering AKPRIND Jogja, and a Masters in Industrial Engineering (ITS Surabaya Indonesia). Lecturer on UPN Jogja. Thick book's 200 pages are published by Graha Ilmu Yogyakarta, 2009. This book contains the introduction of the system, models and simulations, aspects of probability, random number generator, discrete event simulation, queuing systems, verification validation of simulation, simulation of dynamic systems and system services.
This book is suitable for students or anyone who wants to learn about simulation. Simulation of industrial systems in general, is written in the style of a holistic approach to industrial engineering. But that does not mean only suitable for industrial engineering students. Also for others, such as students of informatics, management and mechanical engineering. This book is not about the introduction to simulation or theoretical basis, for example such as the theory of Law & Ketone. But more to the summary, in the Indonesian language, so it is more readable. Per chapter was written format such as lab module, there is a purpose, the basic theory to case examples in a language that is quite easy to understand. Some examples of cases that raised, among others, supermarket cashiers and simulation of dynamic systems simulation of the behavior of the growth of hotels in Yogyakarta.

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